My 8 year old is blogging!

My 8-year-old son has started blogging and loving it!  He has been reading my blog and he liked the idea of sharing his views, drawings and stories with people.

I thought blogging would be good for my son because he is constantly reading and writing his own stories, so why not type them up online and get some feedback from friends and family.  Blogging has also been a great learning opportunity for him, some things that he’s learned are:

  • how to use a new Web2.0 tool.  He is getting very good at navigating around a new app and figuring out how things work.
  • how to compare the usability of different options, such as the differences between using wordpress and edublogs
  • the importance of internet privacy, digital footprint and online writing etiquette
  • how to use the Snipping Tool to capture images on the screen, save them and then upload to a post

WordPress Vs Edublogs

First we tried creating a “Private” and invite only blog which was attached to my wordpress account.  Interestingly we found that some family members had difficulty logging in, even though they had been invited personally via email.  Another issue with going Private on wordpress is that invited people need to create a wordpress account before they can read a private blog….a bit of a hassle for some.  The other weird, technical glitch, was that every time we updated the pages, viewed them and clicked on each post the Stats hits increased!  The owner of the account shouldn’t be increasing stats so that was a bit strange.  Also, the blog was Private but you had to go into every individual post and mark it as Private since it was set as Public by default.

In the end we decided to go over to Edublogs instead.  Compared to using WordPress there were less Themes, no Follow You widget, and no stats for the Free blog sites; bummer!  His edublog is Public but blocks search engines.  Edublog does not allow “Adult Content” since it’s focus is for Education.  There is No exposure to other blogs, which is probably why there is no Follow Blog (or perhaps this is kept for when you pay for the Pro package).

Many schools have tight Internet access restrictions due to “Adult Content” issues, so Edublog is more likely to be accessible at schools since it does not allow this type of content.

7 thoughts on “My 8 year old is blogging!

  1. Wow I’m impressed because I have found getting a blog up and going tough. Do you pay for WordPress? I have set up an edublog for ass 1 but find it uncomfortable to use. I have had trouble removing the side info & navigating it, don’t understand a lot of the terminology, am really after the format you have, clean sharp and easy to navigate. Still in the words of the late Margaret Whitlam “Onwards”.


    • Hi. It depends on the Theme that you choose….some themes have menus on the top, on the left, right etc and some Themes allow you to add more than one menu. I have found WordPress to have way more options such as Themes, Widgets and Stats information compared to Edublog. You can’t get a lot of Themes and extra menus etc until you pay for Pro on Edublog, whereas you can get it all for free at WordPress. WordPress has MORE for FREE.

      The stuff on the right side of my blog are “Widgets” (go to Appearance -> Widget on the Dashboard). You can then drag & drop what you want or what you don’t want to display. Play around with it, you can’t kill it! As stated in my post, you won’t find “Follow Blog” in the Free Edublogs and I’m not sure if you get it when you pay for Pro. I am currently happy with the FREE version of WordPress for myself and the FREE version of Edublogs is fine for my 8 year old son…….but if it’s something he really enjoys then maybe we’ll look into upgrading to Pro in Edublogs.


  2. Thanks realised I was already subscribed to wordpress so just had to go one step further, thanks for taking the time to guide me through still at the stage where I stand at the door looking for something familiar, you’ve given me that much appreciated. Look forward to sharing thoughts!!!!


  3. Some technical background.

    Edublogs is actually implemented using WordPress technology.

    The folk at release their software for free for anyone to use – you can download it here.

    The folk at Edublogs have taken that software and changed its configuration a bit to suit their purposes. So there should be some significant similarity.

    I imagine the software running is probably the latest, greatest version.



    • Yep, I had noticed that Edublogs was “another WordPress” on the bottom of the Edublog pages. It’s nice because when you go into the “Dashboard” in Edublog it’s the same as “WordPress” except that WordPress has more functionality that’s free


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